Presentations from 2007 Workshops
Presentations courtesy of The Western Regional Teaching Workshop was held September 21 & 22, 2007 at University of Arizona.
2007 Presentations
Presentations from 2007 Workshops
Presentations courtesy of The Northeast Regional Teaching Workshop was held September 27-29, 2007 at the University of Connecticut.
Susan Berlam, Pfizer Incorporated -
“Soft Skills in Science Discipline-Based Courses: Industry Needs” - (301 k)
Patricia Verduin, Colgate-Palmolive Company -
“The Dynamic Needs of Industry” - (99 k)
Jack Clausen, UConn -
“Team Building Approaches” - (117 k)
Roger LeBrun, URI -
“Diverse Cultures/Perspectives” - (0 k)
Clyde (Kip) Herreid, SUNY-Buffalo -
“Case Study Approach for Improving the Teaching of Agricultural Science” - (0 k)
Benjamin Locke, Penn State -
“Mental Health Issues in College Students: Trends, Bases & Challenges” - (435 k)
Lee Williams, UConn -
“Recognizing and Responding to Distressed Students” - (34 k)
Joan McGuire, UConn -
“Assuring an Inclusive Instructional Environment” - (236 k)
Presentations from 2006 Workshops
Presentations courtesy of The Western Regional Teaching Workshop was held September 22 & 23, 2006 at Utah State University.
Brian Warnick & Gary Straquadine, Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Utah State University - “Andragogy Application for Higher Education” - (301 k)
Lisa Allen, College of Agriculture - Utah State & Jed Christensen, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food - “Cooking Up a Scholarship Development Plan” - (101 k)
Rhonda L. Miller & Brain K. Warnick, Utah State University - “Exposing Non-Majors to Agriculture through a General Education Life Science Course” - (187 k)
“Retention and First-Year Experience at Utah State Univerity” - Poster - (735 k)
Brain Warnick & Rudy Tarpley - “Swimming Upstream: Lessons COA Faculty Can Learn in Reaching Out to Secondary Education” - (54.2 k)
Presentations from 2004 Workshops
Presentations courtesy of the 2004 Southern Regional Teaching Workshop held in Athens Georgia.
Dr. Allen M. Armitage, University of Georgia, “Using the Community to Teach Plant Materials” ( 1.8M)
Dr. David Berle, University of Georgia, “Increasing Student Participation in a Large Class” (1003k)
Dr. David Berle and Dr. Timothy J. Smalley, University of Georgia, “Teaching a Garden Study Touring Course” ( 1.1M)
Dr. Michael D. Boyette, North Carolina State University, “The Challenges of Teaching Senior Design to a Changing Student Body” ( 583k)
Dr. Barry Croom, North Carolina State University, “Student–Peer Review Writing Process” ( 507k)
Dr. Jennifer Franklin, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, “The Spring Camp Experience and Student–driven Learning” ( 3.3M)
Dr. William M. Graves, University of Georgia, “Animal Science in Action: a Recruitment Program in the Animal and Dairy Science Department” ( 2.9M)
Dr. K. J. Karnok, University of Georgia, “Using Magic in the Classroom” ( 531k)
Dr. William S. Kisaalita, University of Georgia, “What in the world are they learning? Capstone engineering design experiences across national and cultural borders” ( 628k)
Dr. James A. Knopp, North Carolina State University, “Large Lecture classes – Problems and Solutions” ( 69k)
Dr. Christine A. Langone, University of Georgia, “Engaging Students Through Academic Service Learning” ( 422k)
Dr. Susan J. Mulley, Mississippi State University, “Team Learning and Group Projects for Today’s Students” ( 45k)
Dr. T. Dean Pringle, University of Georgia, “The Callipyge Sheep: a Model for Developing Laboratory Skills in Muscle Growth and Meat Quality”( 828k)
Dr. John C. Ricketts, University of Georgia, “Teaching for Critical Thinking” ( 552k)
Dr. F. R. Rohs and Dr. J. C. Ricketts, University of Georgia, “What’s Your Students’ Learning Style?” ( 367k)
Dr. Robert L. Shewfelt, University of Georgia, “Stimulating Learning in Large Lecture Classes” ( 128k)
Dr. Forrest Stegelin, University of Georgia, “Incorporating Ethics and Ethical Choices in the Classroom and Extension Outreach” ( 74k)
Dr. Chi N. Thai, University of Georgia, “Classroom Teaching with Collaborative Network Technologies” ( 2.0M)
Dr. Paul A. Thomas, University of Georgia, “Integrating ‘Open Access’ Internet Classroom Instruction With Extension Education” ( 1.1M)
Dr. R. A. Voitle, Auburn University, “Quickwrites – an Approach to Increase Academic Performance” ( 951k)
Dr. Jason B. Walker and Dr. Darryl D. Ray, Mississippi State University, “Internet in the Classroom” ( 459k)
Dr. David B. Weaver, Auburn University, “Crop Plant of the Week for Teaching Basic Crop Science” ( 975k)
Dr. Michael E. Wetzstein, University of Georgia, “Carrot and Stick Techniques for Class Bonding” ( 254k)
Dr. L. Wicker, University of Georgia, “Team Led Food Processing Laboratories to Facilitate Learning” ( 355k)
Presentations from 2003 Workshops
Presentations courtesy of the National Conference on Student Writing and Critical Thinking in Agriculture, April 3-5, 2003, Jackson, Wyoming; a conference sponsored by the University of Wyoming and supported by USDA Higher Education Programs Challenge Grant #2001-38411-10785.
John C. Bean, Seattle University “Writing Assignments as Ill-Defined Problems: Promoting Students’ Growth as Critical Thinkers, Communicators, and Practicing Professionals in Agricultural and Food Science” ( 195K )
Chris R. Calkins, University of Nebraska, “Animal Science 310: Fresh Meats” ( 507K )
Penny Diebel, Oregon State University “Learning to be a Writer, Again: Lessons from the Oregon Writing Project Summer Workshop” ( 393K )
Bob Ehrhart, Oregon State University “Developing Critical Thinking in Distance Natural Resource Courses” ( 106K )
Steven Hastings, University of Delaware, “Using Problem-Based Learning Techiniques to Develop Thinking and Writing Skills in the Natural Resource Management Curriculum” ( 464K )
Donald Mulvaney, Auburn University, “Pedagogical Experiences with Written and Oral Communication Assignments Designed to Stimulate Creativity” ( 2.0M )
Carol E. O’Neil & Marybeth Lima, Louisiana State University, “Service-Learning in Agricultural Instruction: A Guide for Implementing Real-World, Hands-On, Community Based Teaching and Learning” ( 495K )
Pat O’Rourke, Illinois State University “Gross Margin-Profit Worksheet/Cash Management, etc.” ( 350K )
William M. Park, University of Tennessee, “Use of Tradable Pollution Allowance Simulation in Teaching Resource and Environmental Policy” ( 263K )
Thomas A. Polito, Iowa State University, “Your English Department Agreed to Do WHAT?” ( 254K )
Carl Reynolds, University of Wyoming “Questioning is Your Friend!” ( 59K )
Ed Sherline, University of Wyoming “Teaching Critical Skills versus Attitudes” ( 228K )
Gail Shuck, Boise State University, " ‘On a Chain of Hopes, That’s Where I Belong’: Creativity, Second Language Learning, and the Nature of Literate Knowledge" ( 107K )
Bok Sowell & Janice Bowman, Montana State University - Bozeman, “Written Assignments to Improve Critical Thinking” ( 105K )
Maryellen Weimer, Pennsylvania State University - Berks, “Relevant and Recommended Resources” ( 25K )
Karen C. Williams, Donald M. McLeod, Jane V. Nelson, Sonya S. Meyer, Bruce A. Cameron, James K. Wangberg, University of Wyoming, “A Collaborative Faculty Approach for Improving Teaching of Writing and Critical Thinking Across Disciplines: A Wyoming Case Study” ( 171K )
Karen Williams, University of Wyoming, “In Whose Language?” ( 131K )
Thomas B. Wilson, University of Arizona “Introduction to Environmental Science: A Case Study of Critical Thinking Strategies and the Development of Technical Writing Skills” ( 902K )